Runway 30
TWR-frekvens: 123,550 MHz
Banljuständning: Radiobärvåg med 5 st. 5-sek/tryck vid mörker.
Radio-controlled runway light (PCL): 5 times, 5 sek. with S/M-key.
Landningsavgift: 200 kr (specialpris t.v.).
Landing fee: 200 SEK / 20 EUR. (special price until further notice).
RWY-syrface: Betong/Concrete
RWY and bearings: 12/30 = MAG 114/294 gr.
RWY length/wide: 1 945/40 m.
ILS: Finns, men f.n. ej i drift. / Not in use at present.
Fuel: Avgas 91/96 UL. (betalning kan göras via swiss - kontant- faktura
F.o.m. 2018-07-25 finns även JET-A1.
Hinder/Obstacles: Smaller mountin north-east of RWY 30. Marked by red flashing light. 40 fpm.
Segelflyg/Gliders: Periodiskt under sommartid, mycket frekvent segelflygaktiviteter runt fältet /
Periodical in summer very frequent glider (sailplaning) activities around the field.
Gliders downwind: Left RWY 30 / Right RWY 12.